Thursday, February 27, 2014

This is the beginning!!!

I will start off by introducing myself. My name is Judy C. I live in NE Ohio. A little over 5 years ago, my life took a very unexpected turn.  My husband at the time and I were granted custody of my brothers 3 very young children. They were 5, 3, and 14 months! We had a lot of struggles at first, but slowly things began to smooth out. I will add more posts later about different things that we had to over come including a move across the state, and an eventual separation from my husband, and how we handled it all.
At this point however in my life things are "OK". I am at a point now where I am learning to live a very different way of life. And that my friends is what I would like to share the most with you. I recently lost my job. Grant it that I worked WAY too much for WAY to little pay, it was still a job. As devastating as it was to loose this job, I am beginning to see that it was a blessing in disguise. I now have a whole lot more time with my children. When before I was lucky to see them 3 times a week! I do however now see the infinite importance of a savings, frugality, and "creative spending" as I like to call it.
I would like to share with you some of the things that I am learning on the way. I have found many different websites and blogs all over the Internet about saving money, frugal living, budgeting, couponing, etc. But I began to notice that all of them were hosted by people that have been living this way for many years, and are fully adjusted to it. I haven't found any that were by anyone just starting out. So that is why I am here.
It has been almost a year since I lost my job. But it has only been a few months since I really started getting serious about completely revamping my life, with the goal of comfort, stability, and fun in mind. In future posts I will share with you events of the last year, new things I am learning, as well as the trials and errors I have along the way.
One of the first things you will experience with me is the world of blogging. I have no clue at all what i am doing, when it comes to blogs. So please be patient with me as I work out all the kinks. I hope that you enjoy walking with me along this road to my future. I also hope that you can learn with me as well as offer me any tips or advice you may have.

Thanks for Joining Me
Judy C

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